The UA Vote website is available for you to check the Political Endorsements for all UA Local Unions across the State. The site's primary purpose is to capture the votes of Members that are registered to vote outside the jurisdiction of their Home Locals by allowing them to see the endorsements of the Local Union in the area where they are registered to vote. This will strengthen the political voice of UA Members that might otherwise be uninformed about the endorsements in the area where they reside.
The website is and is simple to use. Just click on the ENDORSEMENTS button, enter the password (Govote2022) and search endorsements utilizing the Local Union number, county, or zip code. You will see the posted endorsements in the area that you entered, in addition to the statewide endorsements of the California State Pipe Trades Council. The site also has links to the California Secretary of State's Office for election information and getting registered to vote for this critical November election.