Dear UA Local 114 Member:
Applications for the CSPTC Scholarships are now being accepted!
I am pleased to notify you once again of this wonderful opportunity. The California State Pipe Trades Council Scholarship Foundation awards college scholarships to children of U.A. Local Union members in good standing. In order to apply, your child must be either:
1) A high school senior graduating in June 2023 and planning to attend a U.S. community college, 4-year college, or university during the coming academic year;
2) A full-time community college student continuing full-time attendance during the coming academic year, or planning to attend a U.S. 4-year college or university during the coming academic year; or
3) A full-time student currently attending a U.S. 4-year college or university and continuing full-time attendance during the coming academic year.
Forty scholarships in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded to the winning applicants. Applications and the required accompanying materials will be accepted beginning November 1, 2022. They must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2023. Applications must be received within five business days after this deadline.
The following materials are enclosed at the bottom of this page:
· Scholarship Contest Rules and Application for full details regarding applying for the scholarship. The Application portion on page 3 should be completed by the applicant. The applicant must ensure that the specified section at the bottom of the application is completed by the parent’s Local Union.
You can also find the instructions and download the rules and application on the California State Pipe Trades Council website at If you have questions or need additional information, please contact my office for further assistance.
I hope your children will take advantage of this great opportunity.
Michael G. Lopez
Business Manager
UA Local 114